St. Patrick's Day Round-Up

Right after the birth of our first son, a saint-of-a-friend carried a hot meal all the way from Queens to our apartment in East Harlem, NYC, on St. Patrick’s Day. It was corned beef with cabbage and Irish soda bread and that meal has lived on in family lore, told every year on this day. Now we always cook up an “Irish Feast” (or at least our version), pull out photos of Ireland travels, and have a retelling of the inspiring story of St. Patrick.

Should anyone be interested in beginning a St. Paddy’s day tradition, here’s what ours usually includes, best enjoyed with Irish music and friends:

Corned beef




Irish soda bread

(There are recipes o’plenty online for all these)

Green additions for kids like grapes, cucumbers, and apples

Mint chocolate chip ice cream and brownie pie


Saint Patrick the Forgiver: The History and Legends of Ireland's Bishop


We had fun making art with a few St. Patrick-themed art videos from Art for Kids Hub! We’ve loved their videos for years.


A Springtime Reminder


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