Katy Rose Collection: Art, Words
Peaceful Home Hack: 8:30 Stop Sign
Since I know by now that molehills become mountains after dark, concerns ballooning into catastrophes as my brain loses steam, I set a rule for myself a while back: No worrying after 8:30 pm.
Seems like the worry train likes to barrel down the track right as my head is hitting the pillow, but now with that red stop sign in hand, it screeches to a halt.
If the concern is important enough, I hand it to the Lord and deal with it when I wake in the morning for prayers and reading. Perfect time to sort through what plagues me.
And you know what? The more the habit is halted at 8:30, the less worry ends up infiltrating the rest of my day as well. Boundaries bring freedom. Seems like Jesus knew what he was talking about when he told us to hand our burdens to him.
Sweet dreams!
Peaceful Home Hack: Dishwasher to Table
When unloading the dishwasher in the morning, take the clean plates, silverware, and cups right back over to the table and set it for dinner. Creates a pretty table for the day, and keeps the mess away. And when dinner's ready, the table's already set!