Once your purchase is complete, browse through the sections below. You will be able to read The Christmas Collection as a digital book or save it as a PDF for printing. Within this Bundle you will find the resources, links, and everything else you need.
Truly so excited to jump into this with you.
Christmas Collection Bundle
Browse the Book
Accompanying Resources
Additional Recs
Favorite Children's Book Recs
Make it Happen: Your Retreat
BONUS! Watch for updated surprise content
FREE Art Download for you!
If you enjoy The Christmas Collection and have found anything helpful, please feel free to share about it on Instagram. If you do, tag me @katyrosecollection and I will send you a code for a FREE Digital Art Download from my Shop!
Thank you so much!
Bundle FAQ
Once you purchase the bundle, you have lifetime access for as long as it exists.
Maybe one day, but for now The Christmas Collection is only offered as a digital download.
The code comes as a “thank you” to anyone who shares about The Christmas Collection online. Just tag @katyrosecollection on Instagram with your post or story and you will receive the free code in your messages!
(Not actually a FAQ as we’ve had no requests for refunds but we do want to note, just in case, that returns and refunds are not available on digital items.)
All is Calm, All is Bright
because of Who is here